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What is the average cost for representation by Davis Friedman?


Published on August 24th, 2018

Fees are based on the amount of time Davis Friedman spends on your case. Each case is different. Based on your unique circumstances, the fee will be determined according to the time and resources necessary to ensure the best outcome. Factors such as the number and complexity of the issues raised by you and your spouse will influence the amount of time needed. There also are mandatory charges such as court filing fees. Your lawyer will discuss costs during your initial meeting.

In addition to the lawyer who is primarily responsible for your case, Davis Friedman typically (but not always) includes an associate on your team. This approach provides a more efficient and cost-effective way to handle the day-to-day matters that arise while serving you. Davis Friedman charges for the time all its partners, associates, paralegals, and law clerks spend on your case, at their various rates.

You will be asked to pay an initial retainer which will be deposited in the firm’s trust account and applied to fees and costs as they are earned or used. Every month, Davis Friedman will send you an itemized billing statement

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